
About: Linda Newington

I first studied for a Ba Fine Art, Painting and graduated with a first class honours degree in the 1970s. I then moved to London where I went to work at the British Museum (Natural History) in the Botany Library curating the collection of botanical drawings, paintings and prints. During this time I trained as a Librarian and am now a Faculty Leader which includes being Head Librarian at Winchester School of Art, a part of the University of Southampton. In 2007 I completed an MA in the History of Textiles and Dress, my dissertation focused on the image and status of knitting for which I used both the Knitting Collections held by the University Library and the Knitting Reference Library as my primary sources. In 2008 I had the idea for a conference devoted to knitting and thought up the title "in the loop" whilst having coffeee in a cafe with my co-organiser at that time Jessica Hemmings. We hoped for at least fifty delegates so were very pleased to open the first In the loop to over 100 people. The conference has gone from strength to strength, In the loop 2 was co-organised with Carol Christiansen and held at the Shetland Museum & Archives in September 2010. In the loop 3 is now due to take place at the Discovery Centre in Winchester 5-7 September 2012.

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