
Archive for the ‘Pompoms’ Category

Pompom story


Just what is it about pompoms that make us smile? Although of course some may grimace. We had a pompom making open workshop for children at the Winchester Discovery Centre on a recent Saturday as part of the “run-up” to In the loop 3 due to start in 4 weeks time see www.soton.ac.uk/intheloop 

Our aim was to make enough pompoms to use towards creating a knitting ambience for the week of knitting events at the Discovery Centre from Monday 3 – Saturday 8 September 2012 which include In the loop 3. Many young children from age 4 to 12 joined us with their parents, both girls and boys, and learnt how to make pompoms.

Deryn Relph joined us to make pompoms her way.

There are some tricks to making the pompom grow faster.

These were shown to us by all the  textile  aficionados  present including Deryn Relph who joined us with her husband Steve and the pompom making contraption which intrigued us all. It was interesting to see the concentration given to making by all with the pompom experts assisting both children and parents. So thanks to Sarah, Sue, Odina, and Lisa for making it a fun event. We are already discussing Christmas pompom making!

Montse Stanley does include instructions for making what she describles as “wiggle-woggles” including tassels, pompoms, curlicues, coils and bells in her comprehensive book The handknitter’s handbook so I am sure she would have enjoyed this workshop as much as all those who joined us.

One of our fashion students with a small creature in the making.

We had to let some of the pompoms go home with their makers so I have been making more at home during Olympic viewing and started thinking about an installation of red, white and blue pompoms to celebrate this surprisingly inspiring sporting event. Would Danny Boyle be interested? Surely knitting is part of our national identity and heritage I think it should have been included in the opening ceremony…

The pompoms are multiplying…

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